ProLearner - Our CS 449 Project
IntroductionThis fall term, our CS 449 group consisting of Hongbo Du, Nino Ding, Wenyi Hu, Zuomiao Hu, and Nicole Qian worked on a product named proLearner, an online platform that seeks to enable informal learning while creating a more personalized experience for users with different needs.
In the modern day and age, people lead busy lives split between their career and family and find it hard to take classes in the traditional way via in-person lectures. As well, while in a traditional classro ...
History Deletor
Inspiration:Our idea comes from a guest speaker. She participated in a lesbian porn magazine, On Our Backs, which ran from 1984 to 2004. The magazine was digitized in 2016, bringing public exposure that might harm the former models in their personal and professional lives. What’s more, there was no good way to remove the magazine from the internet. We hope that our project gives individuals like her a chance to remove private and unwanted information from archive sites and social media.
What it ...
How I Recovered My Picture With Eason Chan Using Face Restoration
A Picture with Eason ChanEight years ago, I met Eason Chan(陳奕迅), one of my favourite singers, in a fundraising event. He has been one of China’s best-selling artists every year since 2000 and has won many prestigious awards. His world tours have included performances at The Royal Albert Hall, and he was the first Chinese artist to play at London’s O2 Arena. I grew up listening to his songs and was very excited when I met him. He was so nice, and I was lucky enough that he invited my friend and m ...
Crowdedness Monitor
IntroductionThe Crowdedness Monitor is a hardware device that can be installed in public places such as libraries to monitor its real-time crowdedness, which can be helpful for Waterloo students to decide the best place for studying, eating or exercising. The crowdedness of a location is reflected by the number of unique MAC addresses present, which is obtained by monitoring the packets that Wi-Fi devices transmit in the IEEE 802.11 data link layer.
Background ResearchResearch shows that every W ...
最近看到一款高效、简洁且实用的hexo主题叫作Coder,由算法工程师Xunzhuo设计并开发。Coder追求简约,专为程序员而设计。个人比较喜欢简洁的设计,于是我也参与了Coder的维护。 以上是1.0版本,v2.0最近发布了,查看最新版本的Demo请点击这里
Coder的使用和配置:1. 下载Coder
最新版:进入 /Hexo目录/themes:
1git clone coder
稳定版:在Released下载 ZIP 解压在 /themes 文件夹下
2. 修改Hexo目录下的_config.yml 的 theme 为 coder3. 修改配置123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657# 当前版本 | Theme VersionHexo: "2.1"# 网站标题 | Titlelogo_title: Title ...
学习工作篇关于滑铁卢大学 (University of Waterloo)滑铁卢大学历史不算悠久。相比于同样在加拿大却更加闻名于世界的多伦多大学,UBC,和McGill,滑铁卢大学是一所年轻有活力的大学。滑大被称作是最受雇主欢迎的学校,也被麦考林杂志(Maclean’s)誉为加拿大最具创新性的大学(Canada’s most innovative university)。
滑铁卢大学的数学,计算机科学和工程学科教学水平居世界前列,学校的代表队曾多次获得ACM 国际大学生程序设计竞赛的冠军。学校有很高的声誉,特别是做为北美地区第一个经认可建立数 ...
在配置我的博客的过程中,我发现无法通过本地路径添加一些本地图片,而是必须使用URL。尝试了QQ相册、百度云盘等依然没能将本地图片转换成可以用的URL图片。考虑到本地存放图片的方式以后可能会带来很多的不方便,这里推荐一个好用的工具 —- SM.MS
使用方法 使用 SM.MS最多可以一次上传10个文件,每个文件大小不超过5MB。 我们只需要将需要进行转换的图片拖入框内,点击Upload即可。 网站会自动为图片生成HTML,BBCode,Markdown等结果,是不是很方便呢?
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